




Endometrial Hyperplasia - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

What is endometrial hyperplasia?

Endometrial Hyperplasia is a condition that occurs due to the excessive growth of the lining and cells of the endometrium, i.e. the inner lining of the uterus. Two forms of endometrial hyperplasia exist: typical and atypical. In the typical form, the cells of the uterus have not undergone any changes as a result of the endometrial condition. In the atypical form of hyperplasia, the cells have undergone changes that might develop into uterine cancer if left untreated.

This lining, called the endometrium, thickens every month in preparation for pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, the lining is shed. This shedding process is called a menstrual period or menstruation. Most women have a normal menstrual period approximately every 28 days. This entire process is controlled by two hormones: estrogen and progesterone. If the hormones are out of balance or not available, then excessive growth of the cells lining the uterus may occur, which results in endometrial hyperplasia.

Endometrial hyperplasia may be generally visible as a single and prevailing mass in the endometrial cavity. It may also diffuse the endometrium. It is a pathologig diagnosis.

What are endometrial hyperplasia causes?

The primary cause of this disease is the lack of balance between the two female hormones, i.e. oestrogen and progesterone. There may be cases when there is too much of oestrogen secretion, without corresponding exposure to progesterone. This is an abnormal condition, known as unopposed oestrogen. Too much oestrogen, and lack of progesterone leads to a situation of overgrowth of cells in the endometrium. This results in excessive thickening of the endometrium.

Apart from this reason, this disease can also be caused due to a number of chronic diseases such as diabetes, ovary syndrome and obesity. Tamofixen can also cause Endometrial Hyperplasia as it has a negative effect on the womb to oestrogen, since it is a breast cancer drug.

What are endometrial hyperplasia symptoms?

You may experience endometrial hyperplasia symptoms daily or just once in a while. At times, any of these symptoms can be severe:
- Acne
- Bleeding or spotting between menstrual periods
- Dryness of the vagina
- Excessive growth of body hair
- Heavy bleeding during your menstrual period (menorrhagia)
- Hot flashes or hot flushes
- Missed menstrual periods
- Mood swings
- Pain during sexual intercourse
- Rapid heart rate (tachycardia)
- Severe fatigue
- Tenderness of the vagina

How is endometrial hyperplasia diagnosed?

This condition can be diagnosed through a number of methods, it may be done by taking a endometrial hyperplasia biopsy or ultrasound. It can also be done through curettage of the uterine cavity so as to obtain endometrial tissue for the histopathologic analysis. This diagnosis can be done by a pathologist who examines a sample of the endometrial tissue that is removed from the endometrial lining by dilation or biopsy. If the hyperplasia is without atypical cells, then it can even be detected by microscopically by an exam.

Transvaginal ultrasound can be performed to find out the level of thickness of the endometrial lining in the women. This type of ultrasound evaluates the endometrial thickness, which finds out whether the patient has endometrial cancer or not.

Endometrial hyperplasia can be easily detected through biopsy. This can be performed in a doctor’s office. The doctor performs a biopsy by inserting a narrow tube into the uterus to extract a sample of the cells. These cells are sent to the laboratory for examination.

How is endometial hyperplasia treated?

Endometrial Hyperplasia can be treated by Hormonal therapy that may include continuous progestin therapy or even hysterectomy. It can be also treated with TCM medicines. It may be treated through the consumption of medicines such as Povera which may be taken directly or through injections. It may be cured by a D&C – dilation and curettage test. They can also be treated in young women through intrauterine devices or birth control pills.

The treatment for endometrial hyperplasia depends on the stage of life in which this condition appears. It also depends on how severe this condition is.  Those who experience this problem at the time of menopause or perimenopause can be given a complete course of hormone replacement therapy.  If nothing else works out, the patient can resort to Hysterectomy. It is a surgical method of removing this condition.

source: http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Health_Conditions/31.html


Complications of tubal blockage

Tubal blockage, with a high clinical incidence, is a common gynecological disease. It is always accompanied by some other health problems. But with effective treatment, only a small percentage of patients have lasting damage. And in this article, the author will mainly introduce the complications of tubal blockage.

1. Tubal blockage patients may have the symptom of dysmenorrhea. 
Dysmenorrhea is a common complication of tubal blockage. The reason lies in that long-term chronic tubal inflammation can lead to pelvic congestion. This congestion affects the normal flow of blood, causing dysmenorrhea. Patients can have menstrual cramps a week before menstruation begins. And the closer the day is to menstruation, the heavier the pain is. This lasts until the menstruation starts. To relieve the pain, patients need take drugs which can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. For example, patent medicine fuyan pill is a good choice.
2. Irregular menstruation will appear. 
The fallopian tubes and ovaries are adjacent, so the oviduct inflammatory easily spreads to the ovary. Consequently, great harm will be done to ovary, resulting in abnormal menstruation. To avoid this condition, timely treatment is needed once tubal inflammation occurs.
3. Patients can be accompanied by ectopic pregnancy. 
Blocked fallopian tube keeps the fertilized egg from reaching the uterus. As a result, the intercepted eggs and sperms grow in the fallopian tube, resulting in ectopic pregnancy. Although there is small probability, it occurs. 
4. Tubal blockage can result in infertility. 
In addition to ectopic pregnancy, another common complication of tubal blockage patients is infertility. The main function of fallopian tube is transporting sperm and eggs, taking in the fertilized egg and carrying them to the uterine cavity. When the fallopian tube is blocked, it will hinder the fertilized egg and sperm passage, leading to infertility.
The complications of tubal blockage are mainly reflected in these four aspects. To avoid injury brought by the disease, patients should first prevent the happening of tubal blockage. And this requires female friends receive aggressive treatment once having tubal inflammation or some other gynecological diseases. Only in this way can tubal blockage and its complications be effectively prevented. For tubal blockage, patients can take oral medicine fuyan pill for the treatment. Eliminating the symptoms and pathogens at the same time, fuyan pill can thoroughly treat the disease.
article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Tubal_Conditions/2014/0607/596.html

The prevention and natural treatment of hydrosalpinx

Hydrosalpinx, commonly happen on patients with chronic salpingitis, is one of the causes that lead to infertility. The symptoms of it are often that an abdominal pain in one or both side of the body. Sometimes it is also with a sense of falling feeling or increased secretions and so on. Among hydrosalpinx treatments, a majority of which are prone to relapse after treating. So a good preventive measure and treatment is very important. We can prevent hydrosalpinx from the following aspects:

1. Note the menstrual hygiene. During menstruation or after childbirth or abortion, women's fitness is relatively poor. At that time, if you keep a good health habit, the bacterial invasion can be effectively prevented. And then you can achieve the purpose of the hydrosalpinx prevention. 
2. Pay attention to sexual health. Dirty sex life is the source of many diseases. Of course, the hydrosalpinx is included. So before sexual activities, both men and women need to wash your genitals well. In this way, the bacteria invasion can be stopped. And at that time, if the vaginal bleeding appears, the sex activities should be stopped soon.
3. Surgery hygiene. When you take gynecological surgery, you’d better choose the normal hospital. Because if sterilization is not strict or surgical environment is poor, the bacteria can easily enter into the vagina and uterus, which result in artificially infection.
4. Salpingitis needs to be treated timely to avoid worsening development. In the treatment of hydrosalpinx, western doctors advocate the use of antibiotics to have the antimicrobial therapy. However, its side effects, such as antibiotic resistance and high relapse rate, make the patients off. On the other hand, in Chinese treatment, Wuhan Dr.lee suggests to take the nature medicine Fuyan pill. It is a safe treatment without side effects, and it is more in line with the needs of treatment. Fuyan pill, which can promote the blood circulation and remove spleen dampness, plays a very good therapeutic effect on hydrosalpinx curing.  
5. Daily exercise activity. Proper physical exercises can enhance the immune function and physical fitness, and prevent the occurrence of disease. If all this done, the chance of bacteria invade can be effective reduced. Also, the occurrence of hydrosalpinx can be avoided. 
When one gets the hydrosalpinx, she should choose the appropriate method according to their situation. Fuyan pill, with many years of clinical testing for various gynecological diseases treatment, is a really effective medicine for hydrosalpinx. It not only can effectively avoid the surgical damage, but also cure the disease completely.
article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Tubal_Conditions/2014/0611/598.html

Beware! Unsanitary masturbation can make you more vulnerable to infertility

Beware! Unsanitary masturbation can make you more vulnerable to infertility

According to the Chinese Society of Survey, 90% of men and 75% of women have a history of masturbation. And there is another report showing that, the number of female masturbations is greater than male ones, and more than 90% of women have had masturbated. So it is visible, female masturbation is a very common behavior. However, I want you to keep in mind that, unsanitary female masturbation makes you more vulnerable to infertility.
The vaginal defensiveness of women is not very robust. When simulated by the foreign matter, the fragile vaginal mucosa is prone to congest and hurt, thus offering convenience for bacteria invasion. Consequently, diseases such as vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis and salpingitis will occur. And these diseases can finally lead to infertility.
Besides, if the tools used for masturbating is unsanitary, infection is more likely to occur. For example, some women are fond of masturbating with fruits and vegetables which may remain pesticides or germs. And these hazardous substances will do great harm to the vaginal mucosa, even lead to pesticide poisoning. Some women prefer the sleek glass products for masturbation. But the broken glass will embed in the vagina, causing vaginal bleeding and even trauma. some women would masturbate with fingers, which may bring endless trouble due to lots of germs in the fingers, especially in the nails.
In a word, unsanitary masturbation can easily lead to vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis and salpingitis, affecting the eggs and sperm moving and the fertilized egg embedding. As a result, infertility or ectopic pregnancy appears. 
Fortunately, this kind of infertility and ectopic pregnancy is curable. Patients can take Fuyan pill to achieve the purpose of eradicating the disease. Natural and harmless, Fuyan Pill can radically cure a variety of gynecological diseases.

Unsanitary masturbations often cause varying degrees of damage to women, among which the most prominent trouble is infertility. So, female masturbating, especially unmarried woman masturbating, is not encouraged. If you indeed need masturbation, you should take some steps to produce a sanitary circumstance. Never let masturbations disturb you!

 Article Source: http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/a/Blog/2014/0425/182.html

Herbal remedy for curing mycotic vaginitis

Herbal remedy for curing mycotic vaginitis

Mycotic vaginitis is a common kind of gynecological diseases. Having a high incidence and recurrence rate, mycotic vaginitis attracts a lot of attention. Then how to cure mycotic vaginitis? 
To choose a proper treatment for mycotic vaginitis, you should firstly know how you get mycotic vaginitis.
You may get mycotic vaginitis through the following ways:
1. Indirect transmission.
You can get infected with mycotic vaginitis by contacting with insanitary items, such as the public toilet, bath-tube and bath-chairs.
2. Sexual transmission.
If your sex partners have fungal urinary tract infection, then you are susceptible to mycotic vaginitis, as the pathogenic factors can be transmitted through intercourse.
3. Extensive attention to health.
In order to maintain health, many women would use medicinal lotion to clean the vagina, which is incorrect. The medicinal lotion would destroy the vaginal PH environment, thus making you easier to be infected with mycotic vaginitis.
Though selecting a variety of treating methods, a lot of patients have ultimately failed to cure the disease or prevent the recurrence. In treating mycotic vaginitis, you must select the correct medicine. Otherwise, there may be no effects, and what's worse, the condition may be aggravated. 
How to effectively cure mycotic vaginitis?
To eradicate mycotic vaginitis, traditional Chinese medicine, Fuyan Pill, is a good choice. Fuyan Pill is natural, harmless and without side effects. 
With the effects of sterilization, Fuyan Pill can kill a variety of pathogenic microorganisms in a short term. Meanwhile, some other effects of Fuyan Pill, such as promoting blood circulation and clearing away heat, can eliminate the exhibited symptoms of mycotic vaginitis. In addition, Fuyan Pill contains medicine which can improve immune capacity of the patients. Therefore, Fuyan Pill can not only cure mycotic vaginitis, but also effectively prevent the recurrence of the disease. 
However, you should always keep in mind that, you cannot randomly lengthen the treatment time for consolidation. Excessive medication would affect the restoration of normal vaginal flora, causing re-infection. Therefore, you'd better take drugs under the guidance of your doctor.
 Article Source: http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/a/Blog/2014/0416/181.html